Setting up ENSO
Make sure that python3 is installed on your system. Place the program in your /home/$USER/bin/ folder and add this folder to your PATH. Make the python program executable:
> chmod u+x /home/$USER/bin/
To setup ENSO
place your global configuration file .ensorc in your /home/$USER folder.
If you should not have a global configuration file, you can create it by running:
> -write_ensorc
This creates the file ensorc_new which you then have to move to your home directory and adjust to your needs:
> mv ensorc_new ~/.ensorc
It is mandatory for enso to find the correct paths to your programs within your global configuration file .ensorc:
> cat ~/.ensorc
ORCA: /tmp1/orca_4_2_1_linux_x86-64_openmpi216 # here the binary must not be included
ORCA version: 4.2.1
GFN-xTB: /home/path-to/bin/xtb #here the binary has to be included into the path
CREST: /home/path-to/bin/crest #here the binary has to be included into the path
mpshift: /home/path-to/bin/mpshift #here the binary has to be included into the path
escf: /home/path-to/bin/escf #here the binary has to be included into the path
ctd = BP_TZVP_C30_1601.ctd cdir = "/software/cluster/COSMOthermX16/COSMOtherm/ CTDATA-FILES" ldir = "/software/cluster/COSMOthermX16/COSMOtherm/CTDATA-FILES"
cosmothermversion: 16 # 16, 17, 18
#NMR data
reference for 1H: TMS # ('TMS',)
reference for 13C: TMS # ('TMS',)
reference for 19F: CFCl3 # ('CFCl3',)
reference for 31P: TMP # ('TMP', 'PH3')
reference for 29Si: TMS # ('TMS',)
1H active: on # ('on', 'off')
13C active: off # ('on', 'off')
19F active: off # ('on', 'off')
31P active: off # ('on', 'off')
29Si active: off # ('on', 'off')
resonance frequency: None # MHz number of your experimental spectrometer
nconf: all # ('all', 'number e.g. 10')
charge: 0 # number e.g. 0
unpaired: 0 # number e.g. 0
solvent: gas # (acetone, acetonitrile, chcl3, ch2cl2, dmso, h2o, methanol, thf, toluene, gas)
prog: None # ('tm', 'orca')
ancopt: on # ('on', 'off')
prog_rrho: xtb # ('xtb', 'prog', 'off')
gfn_version: gfn2 # ('gfn1', 'gfn2')
temperature: 298.15 # temperature in K e.g. 298.15
prog3: prog # ('tm', 'orca', 'prog')
prog4: prog # ('tm', 'orca', 'prog')
part1: on # ('on', 'off')
part2: on # ('on', 'off')
part3: on # ('on', 'off')
part4: on # ('on', 'off')
boltzmann: off # ('on', 'off')
backup: off # ('on', 'off')
func: pbeh-3c # ('pbeh-3c', 'b97-3c', 'tpss')
func3: pw6b95 # ('pw6b95', 'wb97x', 'dsd-blyp')
basis3: def2-TZVPP # (several basis sets are possible)
funcJ: pbe0 # ('tpss', 'pbe0')
basisJ: def2-TZVP # (several basis sets are possible)
funcS: pbe0 # ('tpss', 'pbe0', 'dsd-blyp')
basisS: def2-TZVP # (several basis sets are possible)
couplings: on # ('on', 'off')
shieldings: on # ('on', 'off')
part1_threshold: 4.0 # number e.g. 4.0
part2_threshold: 2.0 # number e.g. 2.0
sm: default # ('cosmo', 'dcosmors', 'cpcm', 'smd')
smgsolv2: sm # ('sm', 'cosmors', 'gbsa_gsolv')
sm3: default # ('cosmors', 'smd', 'gbsa_gsolv')
sm4: default # ('cosmo', 'cpcm', 'smd')
check: on # ('on', 'off')
crestcheck: off # ('on', 'off')
maxthreads: 1 # number e.g. 2
omp: 1 # number e.g. 4
External programs which are required:
xtb program version 6.2 or above
crest version 2.6.2 or above
in case of COSMO-RS:
the TURBOMOLE program package
in case of TURBOMOLE
the TURBOMOLE program package
in case of ORCA
ORCA4.1 or above
For the final spectrum generation:
anmr version 3.5 or above (needs python3, numpy, matplotlib)
or any other plotting tool (e.g. GNUPLOT)
Detailed information

ENSO detailed flowchart.
Files written by enso:
Files/Folders |
Information |
flags.dat |
The ENSO-run is started from the settings written in this file
enso.json |
All information on the conformers is stored in this file
(e.g. energy, boltzmann weight …)
| |
File containing the geometries of all conformers
remaining in the refined ensemble with energy and
free energy information (thif file was previously called:
conformer_rotamer_check/ |
Folder in which the optimized ensemble (part2) is checked for
rotamers or identical conformers
anmr_enso |
File needed by ANMR, containing the Boltzmann weight, free energy
contribution, conformer-folder information
.anmrrc |
File needed by ANMR, constaining the reference shieldings, which
nuclei are active, which program package was used for the
NMR property calculations
.ensorc |
Global configuration file where the user can adjust
default settings for all ENSO-runs.
and all absolute PATHS to the external programs are stored.
folder for conformer # where all calculations concerning
this conformer are performed
Settings in .ensorc and flags.dat
flags |
explaination |
nconf |
number of conformers considered in this ENSO-run,
taken from the file
[e.g. 10 or all]
charge |
molecular charge
unpaired |
number of unpaired electrons
solvent |
solvents that are available: gas (if no solvent is required),
[options: gas, acetone, acetonitrile, chcl3, ch2cl2, dmso, h2o,
methanol, thf, toluene]
prog |
program- used for calculating part 1 and part 2
[options: tm or orca]
ancopt |
if choosen the ANCOPT (Aproximate normal coordinates optimizer)
implemented in
xtb is employed as driver for prog(ORCA, TURBOMOLE) [options: on, off]
prog_rrho |
chooses which program is employed for the hessian calculation: either
GFNn-xTB or the program package choosen by prog, our recommendation is
to use GFNn-xTB! In the case that the sorting of the conformers
is supposed to be only based on the energy and not enthalpy the
thermostatistical correction calculations can be turned off and the
sorting is performed only based on energy (then use prog_rrho: off).
[options: prog, xtb, off]
gfn_version |
If prog_rrho is set to
xtb then you can choose which GFNn-xTB versionshould be used. We recommend using GFN2-xTB with the keyword gfn2
[options: gfn1, gfn2]
prog3 |
The program package for calculating high-level free energies can
be choosen independent of prog [options: prog, tm, orca]
prog4 |
The program package for calculating NMR properties can be choosen
independent of the program package chosen for part 1-3.
[options: prog, tm, orca]
part1 |
Turn the crude optimization (Part1) on or off, [options: on, off]
part2 |
Turn the full optimization and low level free energy calculation
(Part2) on or off [options: on, off]
part3 |
Turn the high level free energy calculation on or off (Part3)
[options: on, off]
part4 |
Turn the NMR property calculation (Part4) on or off, [options: on, off]
boltzmann |
Option to recalculate the boltzmann weight from the data written in
enso.json. [options: on, off]
backup |
Option to include conformers which were sorted out either in Part1 or
Part2, because they were above the sorting threshold. This option can be
used after a previous enso-calculation. It can be the case, that conformers
are missing in the final spectrum (because they are high lying in energy at
GFNn-xTB level). The ‘backup’ flag provides an automated way to include
conformers which were just above the respective sorting threshold (in part1
or part2) within the (free) energy window of threshold + 2 kcal/mol. If turned
on in the second run, these higher lying conformers will be optimized and
analyzed in the sorting procedure. [options: on, off]
an example is given in example
func |
density functional employed in Part1 and Part2 (crude and full optimization),
[options: pbeh-3c, b97-3c, tpss (tpss is only the keyword, used is the
functional/basis/dispersion correction combination: TPSS-D3/def2-TZVP)]
func3 |
density functional for calculating the high level single-point for the high
level free energy evaluation in Part3, [options: pw6b95, wb97x, dsd-blyp]
(Not all functionals are available in each program package (ORCA, TURBOMOLE)!
basis3 |
Basis set used for calculating the high level single-point in Part3.
(Be sure that the basis set exists (typos can lead to crashing single-point
calculations). There are more possibilities than mentioned in options, but they
can not be checked!
[options: SVP, SV(P), TZVP, TZVPP, QZVP, QZVPP, def2-SV(P), def2-SVP, def2-TZVP,
def2-TZVPP, def-SVP, def-SV(P), def2-QZVP, DZ, QZV, cc-pVDZ, cc-pVTZ, cc-pVQZ,
cc-pV5Z, aug-cc-pVDZ, aug-cc-pVTZ, aug-cc-pVQZ, aug-cc-pV5Z, def2-QZVPP]
couplings |
Option to calculate coupling constants J in Part4 or not (e.g. if you
would want to calculate only shieldings in Part4)
[options: on, off]
funcJ |
density functional used to calculate the couplings in the NMR property
calculation = Part4 [options: pbe0, tpss]
basisJ |
basis set employed in the calculations of the couplings J in Part4.
[options: e.g. def2-TZVP]
shieldings |
Options to calculate shielding constants S in Part4 or not (e.g. if
you would want to calculate only couplings)
[options: on, off]
funcS |
density functional used to calculate the shieldings in the NMR property
calculation = Part4 [options: pbe0, tpss]
basisS |
basis set employed in the calculations of the shieldings S in Part4.
[options: e.g. def2-TZVP]
part1_threshold |
All conformers below this threshold (in kcal/mol) are considered for
the full optimization in Part2.
Conformers within threshold > Econf < (threshold + 2 kcal/mol)
are noted as backup conformers (which can be recalculated if the refined
ensemble is missing some conformers). In Part1 all conformers above
(threshold + 2 kcal/mol) are dismissed. Our recommendation is to
set this threshold to 4.0 kcal/mol.
part2_threshold |
All conformers below this threshold (in kcal/mol) are considered for the
high level free energy calculation in Part3. Conformers within
threshold > Econf < (threshold + 2 kcal/mol) are noted as backup conformers.
In Part2 all conformers above (threshold + 2 kcal/mol) are dismissed. Our
recommendation is to set this threshold to 2.0 kcal/mol.
sm |
Solvation model employed for the optimization in Part1 und Part2.
Not all solvation models are available in each program package
(ORCA,TURBOMOLE). In order to use the solvation model a solvent has
to be specified! [options: cosmo, dcosmors, cpcm, smd]
smgsolv2 |
In Part2 first the full optimization is performed using the solvent
model specified in sm. Then the low level free energy calculation is
performed (still Part2) and to calculate the solvation contribution
to free energy (\(G_{solv}\)) another solvation model can be choosen.
This makes sence, if this solvation model is then used in the high level
free energy calculation Part3 too. [options: sm, cosmors]
sm3 |
solvation model employed in the high level free energy calculation Part3.
we recommend to use the same solvation model as in smgsolv2.
[options: cosmors, dcosmors, smd].
sm4 |
solvation model employed in the NMR property calculation in Part4.
[options: cosmo, cpcm, smd, dcosmors]
check |
Option to terminate the ENSO-run if too many calculations/preparation
steps fail. [options: on, off]
crestcheck |
The conformers could become identical or rotamers of each other
during the full DFT optimization (Part2). Therefore we use
CREST to identify identical conformers or rotamers. The crestcheck option
(on) can automatically remove identical conformers and rotamers.
If it is set to off, the check is still run but the user is only informed
and has to remove the conformers manually after inspection.
Our recommendation is to sort out conformers manually (option: off)
since the sorting alogrithm is threshold based. [options: on, off]
maxthreads |
Number of threads the ENSO program can use.
(maxthreads * omp = number of cores)
e.g. the maximal number of calculations that can run in parallel.
Make sure that the number of cores does not exceed your machine
omp |
Number of cores each thread (set with maxthreads)
has available. e.g. maxthreads = 2 and omp = 3 would use two threads
using each three cores, the total number of cores in use would be six.
reference for 1H |
Reference for calculating the shifts of your 1H spectrum.
This is written to the file .anmrrc. [options: TMS]
reference for 13C |
Reference for calculating the 13C shifts of your spectrum.
This information is written to the file .anmrrc. [options: TMS]
1H active |
Calculate NMR properties for the 1H nuclei. [options: on, off]
13C active |
Calculate NMR properties for the 13C nuclei [options: on, off]
19F active |
Calculate NMR properties for the 19F nuclei [options: on, off]
31P active |
Calculate NMR properties for the 31P nuclei [options: on, off]
29Si active |
Calculate NMR properties for the 29Si nuclei [options: on, off]
resonance frequency |
Frequency of your simulated NMR spectrometer
(the spectrometer you are comparing against.
temperature |
Temperature in Kelvin for thermostatistical and Boltzmann weight
NMR-property calculations
Information about the basis sets employed (default) for NMR property calculations:
For user convenience shielding constants of the reference molecules (TMS (Tetramethylsilane), CFCl3, PH3, TMP (Trimethylphosphine oxide)) were precalculated and stored within the enso program. The reference shielding values are used in the anmr program to calculate the shifts and the reference values are written to the file .anmrrc.
To be consistent with your calculation, the reference shielding values were calculated on the reference molecules with many possible geometry-optimization-settings eg. {TURBOMOLE/ORCA, PBEh-3c / TPSS-D3/def2-TZVP / B97-3c, (gas phase or solvent)}. The shieldings were then calculated either with TPSS or PBE0 and depending on ORCA (gas or SMD and def2-TZVP basis set) or TURBOMOLE (gas or DCOSMO-RS with the def2-TZVP basis set). At the end of part4 the file .anmrrc is written into the calculation folder and stores the reference shielding values of your settings for the subsequent ANMR calculation.
The enso program only writes the reference shielding values to the file ‘.anmrrc’ but does not do anything with it. Hence, no results of enso are influenced by a non-matching reference value. If you want to change the reference shielding values, you can simply modify the file ‘.anmrrc’ manually before calling the anmr program.
Procedure for generating the refrence shielding constants: Geometry optimization with of the reference molecule with PBEh-3c/B97-3c/TPSS-D3/def2-TZVP + implicit solvation model (either SMD or DCOSMO-RS). NMR shielding constant calculation with the respective functional and the def2-TZVP basis set (again with implicit solvation model).
> cat coord
2.05833045453195 -2.05833045453195 2.05833045453195 c
3.27901073396930 -3.27901073396930 0.93023223253204 h
3.27901073396930 -0.93023223253204 3.27901073396930 h
0.93023223253204 -3.27901073396930 3.27901073396930 h
-0.00000000000000 0.00000000000000 0.00000000000000 si
-2.05833045453195 2.05833045453195 2.05833045453195 c
-3.27901073396930 3.27901073396930 0.93023223253204 h
-0.93023223253204 3.27901073396930 3.27901073396930 h
-3.27901073396930 0.93023223253204 3.27901073396930 h
2.05833045453195 2.05833045453195 -2.05833045453195 c
0.93023223253204 3.27901073396930 -3.27901073396930 h
3.27901073396930 0.93023223253204 -3.27901073396930 h
3.27901073396930 3.27901073396930 -0.93023223253204 h
-2.05833045453195 -2.05833045453195 -2.05833045453195 c
-3.27901073396930 -3.27901073396930 -0.93023223253204 h
-3.27901073396930 -0.93023223253204 -3.27901073396930 h
-0.93023223253204 -3.27901073396930 -3.27901073396930 h
> cat coord
0.00000000000000 0.00000000000000 1.08780842165939 p
1.12108786201329 1.94178113675579 -0.36261095596909 h
1.12108786201329 -1.94178113675579 -0.36261095596909 h
-2.24217572402658 0.00000000000000 -0.36261095596909 h
TMP = Trimethylphosphine oxide:
> cat coord
2.10707881159693 -2.37905657209703 -0.95048934768032 c
-0.00002761513490 -0.00001720463363 0.42981024146152 p
0.00022116674358 -0.00003978704989 3.20441724940919 o
-3.11402725504898 -0.63518697865997 -0.95026063129186 c
-4.41578089847492 0.80223353974588 -0.26675109605744 h
-3.74806612133726 -2.46831651344230 -0.26795802048584 h
-3.07053848205114 -0.62555829073221 -3.00039235368914 h
1.00685206250598 3.01430306976026 -0.95039040993479 c
2.90134987179607 3.42432987586201 -0.26440712265899 h
-0.26551500181645 4.47957166601373 -0.27057128439357 h
0.99633316768277 2.97084963842055 -3.00047015163533 h
4.01209383139734 -2.01044112204817 -0.27010522766248 h
1.51433033394466 -4.22477273833643 -0.26505344320048 h
2.07522150306901 -2.34774660838157 -3.00060121737073 h
> cat coord
0.00000038126763 -0.00000000884504 0.13419916242803 c
0.00000870296281 0.00000001369727 2.66116007348966 f
3.17274491422955 -0.00000000906271 -0.93176725824334 cl
-1.58637567202181 -2.74767202581384 -0.93179226251812 cl
-1.58637568491745 2.74767203002431 -0.93179224376158 cl