Calculation of Vibrational Frequencies
In this chapter, all necessary information about the calculation of vibrational spectra and thermostatistical contributions are given.
Performing simple Vibrational Frequency calculations
Vibrational frequency calculations are available only through two-sided numerical differentiation of analytical gradients.
Consider a simple example like the following hydrogen abstraction reaction:
C -0.12888312425142 -0.00640246259879 -0.00997057133406
H 1.44011699709596 0.12229812355524 -0.02854203428735
H -0.41612454870604 1.02694842152161 -0.04938812535015
H -0.26306601703832 -0.58286887757121 -0.90445094952445
H -0.26440375738028 -0.51708010658031 0.92386857306799
O 2.45008586500521 0.26032015001761 0.01133571198248
H 2.61210033905108 0.98358191645276 0.62026402303033
By invoking the --hess
command line argument, xtb
executes a calculation of the Hessian matrix. The --ohess
keyword may be used instead if a prior optimization of the structure is desired.
xtb --hess --uhf 1
At the end of the frequency job you get an output like this:
| Frequency Printout |
projected vibrational frequencies (cm-1)
eigval : -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
eigval : 40.69 211.99 360.40 405.89 601.08 759.17
eigval : 829.07 1371.91 1375.70 1477.42 2297.37 3115.69
eigval : 3190.88 3197.05 3648.64
reduced masses (amu)
1: 4.63 2: 12.19 3: 12.31 4: 9.70 5: 9.30 6: 12.74 7: 1.74 8: 12.17
9: 1.45 10: 1.77 11: 1.92 12: 1.45 13: 2.39 14: 2.02 15: 2.03 16: 2.07
17: 2.17 18: 1.07 19: 2.09 20: 2.09 21: 1.86
IR intensities (amu)
1: 0.17 2: 0.46 3: 0.44 4: 0.41 5: 0.08 6: 0.35 7: 0.48 8: 0.26
9: 0.26 10: 0.27 11: 0.25 12: 0.41 13: 0.30 14: 0.04 15: 0.07 16: 0.52
17: 0.51 18: 0.06 19: 0.14 20: 0.12 21: 0.18
Raman intensities (amu)
1: 0.00 2: 0.00 3: 0.00 4: 0.00 5: 0.00 6: 0.00 7: 0.00 8: 0.00
9: 0.00 10: 0.00 11: 0.00 12: 0.00 13: 0.00 14: 0.00 15: 0.00 16: 0.00
17: 0.00 18: 0.00 19: 0.00 20: 0.00 21: 0.00
output can be read by thermo (or use thermo option).
writing <g98.out> molden fake output.
recommended (thermochemical) frequency scaling factor: 1.0
This output consists of the calculated vibrational frequencies and the vibrational modes. In the example above there are six frequencies which are identically zero. These frequencies correspond to the rotations and translations of the molecule. They have been projected out of the Hessian before the calculation of the frequencies and thus, the zero values do not tell you anything about the quality of the Hessian that has been diagonalized.
writes an g98.out
file in GAUSSIAN-format, which can be opened with the popular MOLDEN program to visualize the vibrational modes.
Further, a hessian
file is written, containing the projected Hessian matrix in turbomole format.
Calculation of thermochemical properties
Each frequency job provides the thermochemical properties at 298.15 K. (for other temperatures, see below). No further user-input is required to obtain all important thermostatistical contributions. The contributions are calculated following a coupled rigid-rotor-harmonic-oscillator approach. If a molecular symmetry is detected, the resulting rotational number is automatically accounted for. The symmetry detection can be adjusted in the $symmetry
block of the xcontrol
file if necessary.
| Thermodynamic Functions |
: # frequencies 15 :
: # imaginary freq. 0 :
: linear? false :
: only rotor calc. false :
: symmetry C1 :
: rotational number 1 :
: scaling factor 1.0000000 :
: rotor cutoff 50.0000000 cm⁻¹ :
: imag. cutoff -20.0000000 cm⁻¹ :
mode ω/cm⁻¹ T·S(HO)/kcal·mol⁻¹ T·S(FR)/kcal·mol⁻¹ T·S(vib)
1 40.69 -1.55795 ( 30.48%) -1.11458 ( 69.52%) -1.24972
2 211.99 -0.60419 ( 99.69%) -0.62804 ( 0.31%) -0.60426
temp. (K) partition function enthalpy heat capacity entropy
cal/mol cal/K/mol cal/K/mol J/K/mol
298.15 VIB 13.7 1501.827 9.485 9.210
ROT 0.909E+04 888.752 2.981 21.094
INT 0.125E+06 2390.579 12.466 30.304
TR 0.184E+27 1481.254 4.968 36.401
TOT 3871.8331 17.4344 66.7050 279.0936
T/K H(0)-H(T)+PV H(T)/Eh T*S/Eh G(T)/Eh
298.15 0.617016E-02 0.583013E-01 0.316937E-01 0.266076E-01
:: total free energy -8.613409150740 Eh ::
:: total energy -8.640016786693 Eh ::
:: zero point energy 0.052131167146 Eh ::
:: G(RRHO) contrib. -0.025523531193 Eh ::
Multiple temperatures can be calculated using the build in thermodynamic functions calculator by using a input file similar to this
The final summary looks like
T/K H(0)-H(T)+PV H(T)/Eh T*S/Eh G(T)/Eh
150.00 0.250495E-02 0.546739E-01 0.135034E-01 0.411705E-01
200.00 0.361203E-02 0.557809E-01 0.192424E-01 0.365386E-01
250.00 0.484240E-02 0.570113E-01 0.253913E-01 0.316200E-01
273.15 0.545010E-02 0.576190E-01 0.283634E-01 0.292557E-01
298.15 0.617016E-02 0.583013E-01 0.316937E-01 0.266076E-01 (used)
will always use the last entry from the temperature list for all
further calculations and printouts.
Dealing with imaginary modes and non-minimum structures
If a frequency calculation is invoked using the --hess
command line argument, xTB automatically checks the gradient norm for a non-zero value. For unoptimized structures with significant remaining grad. norm, a warning is printed. If you want xTB to exit with an error code instead of this warning, use the --strict
command line argument.
# WARNING! Some non-fatal runtime exceptions were caught, please check:
# - Hessian on incompletely optimized geometry!
A xtbhess.coord
file is created in this case, containing the input structure distorted along the imaginary mode. In case of unwanted imaginary modes, this structure can be used as a starting point to perform further optimizations to get rid of the imaginary frequency and locate the true minimum.
Advanced options
Of course, the calculated frequencies depend on the masses used for each atom. Several options exist to modify/scale the default atomic masses in the $hess
block of the xcontrol
SCC accuracy level in Hessian runs
Cartesian displacement increment for numerical Hessian
isotope: int,real
set mass of atom number int to real (synonym to modify mass)
modify mass: int,real
set mass of atom number int to real (synonym to isotope)
scale mass: int,real
scale mass of atom number int by real
element mass: int,real
set mass of elements int to real
Changes regarding sccacc
or step
should be made with caution, as large displacements or loose SCC accuracy can lead to unreliable frequencies due to excessive numerical noise in the calculations.
The thermostatistical calculations can be influenced by the $thermo
block of the xcontrol
temperature for thermostatistical calculation (default: 298.15 K)
rotor cut-off (cm-1) in thermo (default: 50.0)
Single Point Hessian (SPH) calculations
A prerequisite for accurate thermostatistics so far was to optimize the molecular input structures in order to avoid imaginary frequencies as discussed above. This inevitably leads to changes in the geometry if different theoretical levels are applied for geometry optimization and frequency calculations. Therefore, we propose a new method termed single-point Hessian (SPH) for the computation of HVF and thermodynamic contributions to the free energy within the modified RRHO approximation for general nonequilibrium molecular geometries. The main publication for SPH
can be found at: JCTC.
A SPH calculation is invoked using the --bhess
command line argument. xTB automatically applies a biasing potential given as Gaussian functions expressed with the RMSD in Cartesian space in order to retain the initial geometry. In the xTB printout this is indicated by e.g.:
metadynamics with 1 initial structures loaded
| Optimal kpush determination |
target rmsd / Å 0.100000
unbiased initial rmsd 0.415461
iter. min. max. rmsd kpush
1 0.000000 1.000000 0.023187 -0.500000
2 0.000000 0.500000 0.052359 -0.250000
3 0.000000 0.250000 0.090094 -0.125000
4 0.000000 0.125000 0.135494 -0.062500
5 0.062500 0.125000 0.108071 -0.093750
6 0.093750 0.125000 0.098169 -0.109375
7 0.093750 0.109375 0.102794 -0.101562
8 0.101562 0.109375 0.100426 -0.105469
final kpush: -0.105469
| Biased Numerical Hessian |
kpush : -0.10547
alpha : 1.00000
step length : 0.00500
SCC accuracy : 0.30000
Hessian scale factor : 1.00000
frozen atoms in % : 0.00000 0
RMS gradient : 0.00028
estimated CPU time 0.06 min
estimated wall time 0.02 min
writing file <hessian>.
The systematic shift of the HVF caused by the modification of the PES due to the biasing potential is subsequently removed approximately by individual frequency scaling, giving access to accurate thermostatistical contributions for general nonequilibrium geometries with low-level methods.
The desired target RMSD between the input and constrained optimized structure can be influenced by the $metadyn
block of the xcontrol
target RMSD between input and optimized structure (default: 0.10 Å)