For the calculation of NMR spectra with CENSO, the anmr program is needed. The spectra can be plotted with the python script nrmplot.py. Both programs can be obtained from the latest release page of ENSO: https://github.com/grimme-lab/enso/releases/tag/v.2.0.2


ANMR requires the files:

  • coord, turbomole data group

  • anmr_nucinfo (human readable), written by crest

    • information on which nuclei can interchange in your molecule (e.g. the hydrogen atoms in a methlygroup)

    • = information on chemical and magnetical equivalent atoms

  • anmr_rotamer (machine readable), written by crest

    • information on the rotamers detected by crest

  • anmr_enso, written by censo

    • information on the contributing conformers, the Boltzmann weight and all contributions to free energy

  • .anmrrc, written by censo

    • anmr searches for the .anmrrc file first in the folder of execution and if not found in the home directory of the user

    • The file contains the reference-shieldings of e.g TMS to convert the calculated shielding to shifts

  • the folders with the property calculations of the conformers

    • e.g. CONF1/NMR

Example .anmrrc file:

7 8 XH acid atoms
ENSO qm= TM mf= 300 lw= 1.0  J= on S= on
TMS[chcl3] pbe0[COSMO]/def2-TZVP//pbeh-3c[DCOSMO-RS]/def2-mSVP
1  31.786    0.0    1
6  189.674   0.0    0
9  182.57    0.0    0
15 291.9     0.0    0

The first line in .anmrrc informs anmr to ignore all protons bound to nitrogen (N=7) and oxygen (O=8). If you want to calculate protons bound to oxygen or nitrogen, simply remove the corresponding number, but leave the rest of the line intact! The next line starting with ENSO informs ANMR that the property calculation was performed by TM = TURBOMOLE (or ORCA = ORCA). The mf= 300 informs ANMR that the magnetic frequency of the NMR spectrometer is set to 300 MHz. The lw (linewidth for plotting) is 1.0 and J (couplings) and S (shieldings) are to be evaluated. If S= off then ANMR will terminate after calculating and averaging the shifts of the molecule under consideration. The next line explains how the reference shieldings are calculated: in this case the reference molecule is tetramethylsilane in chloroform and the shielding is calculated with PBE0/def2-TZVP + COSMO on PBEh-3c + DCOSMO-RS geometries.

The following lines contain the data on [atomic number] [calculated shielding valule of the reference molecule] [experimental shift] [active or not].

The lines show the reference shieldings for hydrogen (1), carbon (6) fluor (9) and phosphorus (15). The third number within the last four lines is 0.0 and can be used to adjust the shift of the reference (e.g. to the experimental shift). The last number in the last four lines can either be 1 or 0 and this switches the ‘element on or off’ for the spectrum calculation.

Example anmr_enso file:

ONOFF NMR CONF BW      Energy     Gsolv    RRHO
1     1   1    0.10042 -354.38939 -0.00899 0.22109
1     2   2    0.32452 -354.39034 -0.00899 0.22093
1     3   3    0.57506 -354.39287 -0.00902 0.22295

The file anmr_enso is written by the censo program and contains information on the conformers, which folder they are in, the Boltzmann weight, energy, solvation and thermostatistical contribution to free energy. The first number in the three last lines indicates to ANMR if the conformer is to be considered (1) or not (0). If one conformer is not considered (or more) the anmr program internally recalculates the Boltzmann weights based on the free energies from the anmr_enso file.

Usage of anmr:


ANMR still relies on autmatically created arrays on the stack. For this reason you have to run ulimit -s unlimited to prevent stackoverflows.

$ anmr --help
# explanation of all possible command line arguments
# shown in next tab
    |              A N M R                 |
    |             S. Grimme                |
    |      Universitaet Bonn, MCTC         |
    |             1989-2019                |
    |            version 3.5.1             |
    |     Sat Feb  9 06:41:57 CET 2019     |
    Based on a TurboPascal program written
    in 1989 which was translated to F90 in
    2005 and re-activated in 2017.
    Please cite work employing this code as:
    ANMR Ver. 3.5: An automatic, QC based
    coupled NMR spectra simulation program.
    S. Grimme, Universitaet Bonn, 2019
    S. Grimme, C. Bannwarth, S. Dohm, A. Hansen
    J. Pisarek, P. Pracht, J. Seibert, F. Neese
    Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56, 14763-14769.

    # OMP threads =           4
usage        :
anmr [options]
General options:

    -tm         : use TURBOMOLE J/sigma
    -orca       : use ORCA      J/sigma
    -adf        : use ADF       J/sigma
    -gauss      : use GAUSSIAN  J/sigma
    -plain      : use plain input for J/sigma
    -chk        : perform input check
    -acid       : remove acidic XH protons
    -nofrag     : no fragmentation
    -mfrag      : fragmentation type mol
    -afrag      : fragmentation type at
    -mss        : maxsspin
    -fragss     : fragmentation scheme
    -mf         : magnetic frequency of exp.
    -lw         : line width of generated spectrum
    -ascal      : chemical shift scaling a
    -bscal      : chemical shift scaling b
    -cscal      : spin-spin coupling scal factor
    -nc         : number of conformers
    -poff       : plot offset
    -r          : range min max [-r <real1> <real2]
    -pthr       : min population for which NMR data are read
    -nl         : points for lorentzian for plotting
    -onlyshifts : stop after shift averaging
    -h          : print help


The usage of the -plain option is recommended so that the coupling constants are read from the CONFXX/NMR/nmrprop.dat file written by CENSO instead of the output files of the used QM program package, whose formatting often changes with new versions.

First of all: the spin problem is of \(2^{N}\) complexity! Depending on the size of the maximalspinsystem (mss) the program might use a lot of RAM! If this is the case, run anmr with a decreased spinsystem size:

$ anmr -mss 12 -plain > anmr.out 2> anmr.error &

anmr will then write a file called anmr.dat (which is quiet large). The file contains the information ppm vs intesity. This file can then be plotted with any plotting tool or our ‘nmrplot.py’.

To reduce the large size of the file you can remove entries which are close to zero with either this awk or python code:

head -1 anmr.dat > newanmr.dat
awk '($2 > 0.001){print $0}' anmr.dat >> newanmr.dat
tail -1 anmr.dat >> newanmr.dat
import numpy as np
data = np.genfromtxt('anmr.dat')
threshold = 0.001
data2 = data[np.logical_not(data[:,1] < threshold)]
data2 = np.insert(data2, 0, (data[0][0], threshold), axis=0)
data2 = np.insert(data2, len(data2), (data[-1][0], threshold), axis=0)
np.savetxt('newanmr.dat', data2, fmt='%2.5e' )

Spectra Plotting

The NMR spectrum can be plotted from the file anmr.dat. It contains the information ppm vs intensity and can be plotted with any plotting tool (e.g GNUPLOT …).

The provided nmrplot.py plotting tool uses matplotlib for plotting. Information on all possible commandline arguments is documented:

$ nmrplot.py --help

    |                                                  |
    |                    NMRPLOT                       |
    |          Plotting of NMR spectral data           |
    |             University of Bonn, MCTC             |
    |                 January 2019                     |
    |                     v 1.05                       |
    |                   F. Bohle                       |

Information on arguments:

     End     Endremove    Startremove                 Start
    +               +    +                               +
    lower field                               higher field
                        delta /ppm

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -start START, --startppm START
                        Start plotting from '<start>' ppm. (default: 0)
  -end END, --endppm END
                        End plotting at '<end>' ppm. Value of end has to be
                        larger than value of start. (default: 11)
  -startremove STARTREMOVE, --startremove STARTREMOVE
                        Start cutting from spectrum at '<startremove>' ppm.
                        (default: None)
  -endremove ENDREMOVE, --endremove ENDREMOVE
                        End cutting from spectrum at '<endremove>' ppm. Value
                        of endremove has to be larger than value of
                        startremove. (default: None)
  -title TITLE, --title TITLE
                        Set title of entire plot. If no title is required use
                        '<--title ''>'. (default: NMR-PLOT)
  -lw LINEWIDTH, --linewidth LINEWIDTH
                        Set linewidth. (default: 0.8)
  -i FILE [FILE ...], --input FILE [FILE ...]
                        Provide input_file(s) [max 3 files] -i input1(theory1)
                        input2(theory2) input3(experiment/predicition);
                        inputfiles format is two columns: column1 ppm ,
                        column2 intensity; if several files are provided the
                        last one will be inverted (default: None)
  -l LABEL [LABEL ...], --label LABEL [LABEL ...]
                        Provide labels for all files provided [max 3 files] -l
                        label1 label2 label3, if no labels are provided,
                        filename is used as label (default: [])
  -fontsize FONTSIZE, --fontsize FONTSIZE
                        Set fontsize for entire plot. (default: 15)
  -keybox, --keybox     Set Frame around key. (default: False)
  -ontop, --ontop       Plot all spectra ontop of each other. (default: False)
  -stacked, --stacked   Plot all spectra stacked over each other. (default:
  -orientation ORIENTATION [ORIENTATION ...], --orientation ORIENTATION [ORIENTATION ...]
                        Up (1) or down (-1). (default: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
                        1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])
  -c  [ ...], --colors  [ ...]
                        Select colors. Possible are: ['gray', 'blue', 'cyan',
                        'red', 'green', 'magenta', 'yellow', 'black']
                        (default: ['blue', 'black', 'red', 'magenta',
  -cut CUT [CUT ...], --cut CUT [CUT ...]
                        Cut intensity. Accepts values from 0.0 (flat line) to
                        1.0 (full intensity). (default: [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0,
                        1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
  -o OUT, --output OUT  Provide name of the output file without fileending.
                        (default: nmrplot)
  -s SHIFT [SHIFT ...], --shift SHIFT [SHIFT ...]
                        Shift ppm of each inputfile separately using: --shift
                        float float float, e.g. --shift 10.0 0.0 -5.0, each
                        file needs its own value (default: [])

Reference shielding constants

For user convenience shielding constants of the reference molecules (TMS (Tetramethylsilane), CFCl3, PH3, TMP (Trimethylphosphine oxide)) were precalculated (for some method combinations) and stored within the CENSO program. The reference shielding values are used in the ANMR program to calculate the shifts and the reference values are written to the file .anmrrc.

To be consistent with your calculation, the reference shielding values were calculated on the reference molecules with many possible geometry-optimization-settings eg. {TURBOMOLE/ORCA, PBEh-3c / TPSS-D3/def2-TZVP / B97-3c, (gas phase or solvent)}. The shieldings were then calculated either with TPSS or PBE0 and depending on ORCA (gas or SMD and def2-TZVP basis set) or TURBOMOLE (gas or DCOSMO-RS with the def2-TZVP basis set). At the end of part4 the file .anmrrc is written into the calculation folder and stores the reference shielding values of your settings for the subsequent ANMR calculation.


The CENSO program only writes the reference shielding values to the file ‘.anmrrc’ but does not do anything with it. Hence, no results of CENSO are influenced by a non-matching reference value. If you want to change the reference shielding values, you can simply modify the file ‘.anmrrc’ manually before calling the ANMR program.

Procedure for generating the refrence shielding constants: Geometry optimization with the respective reference molecule with PBEh-3c/B97-3c/TPSS-D3/def2-TZVP + implicit solvation model (either SMD or DCOSMO-RS). NMR shielding constant calculation with the respective functional and the def2-TZVP basis set (again with implicit solvation model).

Input structures for the respective reference molecules:

$ cat coord
2.05833045453195     -2.05833045453195      2.05833045453195  c
3.27901073396930     -3.27901073396930      0.93023223253204  h
3.27901073396930     -0.93023223253204      3.27901073396930  h
0.93023223253204     -3.27901073396930      3.27901073396930  h
-0.00000000000000      0.00000000000000      0.00000000000000  si
-2.05833045453195      2.05833045453195      2.05833045453195  c
-3.27901073396930      3.27901073396930      0.93023223253204  h
-0.93023223253204      3.27901073396930      3.27901073396930  h
-3.27901073396930      0.93023223253204      3.27901073396930  h
2.05833045453195      2.05833045453195     -2.05833045453195  c
0.93023223253204      3.27901073396930     -3.27901073396930  h
3.27901073396930      0.93023223253204     -3.27901073396930  h
3.27901073396930      3.27901073396930     -0.93023223253204  h
-2.05833045453195     -2.05833045453195     -2.05833045453195  c
-3.27901073396930     -3.27901073396930     -0.93023223253204  h
-3.27901073396930     -0.93023223253204     -3.27901073396930  h
-0.93023223253204     -3.27901073396930     -3.27901073396930  h
$ cat coord
0.00000000000000      0.00000000000000      1.08780842165939  p
1.12108786201329      1.94178113675579     -0.36261095596909  h
1.12108786201329     -1.94178113675579     -0.36261095596909  h
-2.24217572402658      0.00000000000000     -0.36261095596909  h
$ cat coord
2.10707881159693     -2.37905657209703     -0.95048934768032       c
-0.00002761513490     -0.00001720463363      0.42981024146152       p
0.00022116674358     -0.00003978704989      3.20441724940919       o
-3.11402725504898     -0.63518697865997     -0.95026063129186       c
-4.41578089847492      0.80223353974588     -0.26675109605744       h
-3.74806612133726     -2.46831651344230     -0.26795802048584       h
-3.07053848205114     -0.62555829073221     -3.00039235368914       h
1.00685206250598      3.01430306976026     -0.95039040993479       c
2.90134987179607      3.42432987586201     -0.26440712265899       h
-0.26551500181645      4.47957166601373     -0.27057128439357       h
0.99633316768277      2.97084963842055     -3.00047015163533       h
4.01209383139734     -2.01044112204817     -0.27010522766248       h
1.51433033394466     -4.22477273833643     -0.26505344320048       h
2.07522150306901     -2.34774660838157     -3.00060121737073       h
$ cat coord
0.00000038126763   -0.00000000884504    0.13419916242803      c
0.00000870296281    0.00000001369727    2.66116007348966      f
3.17274491422955   -0.00000000906271   -0.93176725824334      cl
-1.58637567202181   -2.74767202581384   -0.93179226251812      cl
-1.58637568491745    2.74767203002431   -0.93179224376158      cl

Example calculation for reference shielding constant

In this usage example, CENSO printed an error-message that the reference absolute shielding constant at the level of theory chosen is missing for hydrogen and has not been precalculated.

ERROR:       The reference absolute shielding constant for element h could not be found!
             You have to edit the file .anmrrc by hand!

To calculate it, a NMR calculation at the respective level of theory has to be performed for TMS in a new directory. In this case, the theory level is PBE0/def2-TZVP for the NMR part on r2SCAN-3c geometries with the implicit SMD solvation model for CHCl3 (PBE0[SMD]/def2-TZVP//r2scan-3c[SMD]/def2-mTZVPP).

$ mkdir tms
$ cd tms
$ cat coord
 2.05833045453195     -2.05833045453195      2.05833045453195  c
 3.27901073396930     -3.27901073396930      0.93023223253204  h
 3.27901073396930     -0.93023223253204      3.27901073396930  h
 0.93023223253204     -3.27901073396930      3.27901073396930  h
-0.00000000000000      0.00000000000000      0.00000000000000  si
-2.05833045453195      2.05833045453195      2.05833045453195  c
-3.27901073396930      3.27901073396930      0.93023223253204  h
-0.93023223253204      3.27901073396930      3.27901073396930  h
-3.27901073396930      0.93023223253204      3.27901073396930  h
 2.05833045453195      2.05833045453195     -2.05833045453195  c
 0.93023223253204      3.27901073396930     -3.27901073396930  h
 3.27901073396930      0.93023223253204     -3.27901073396930  h
 3.27901073396930      3.27901073396930     -0.93023223253204  h
-2.05833045453195     -2.05833045453195     -2.05833045453195  c
-3.27901073396930     -3.27901073396930     -0.93023223253204  h
-3.27901073396930     -0.93023223253204     -3.27901073396930  h
-0.93023223253204     -3.27901073396930     -3.27901073396930  h
$ crest coord -gfn2 -alpb chcl3 -T 4 -nmr > crest.out
$ mkdir censo
$ cp crest_conformers.xyz coord anmr_nucinfo anmr_rotamer censo/
$ cd censo/
$ censo --input crest_conformers.xyz -func0 b97-d3 -solvent chcl3  -smgsolv1 smd -sm2 smd
        --smgsolv2 smd --prog orca -part4 on  -prog4J orca -prog4S orca -funcJ pbe0
         -funcS pbe0 -basisJ def2-TZVP -basisS def2-TZVP -cactive off > censo.out
$CENSO global configuration file: .censorc

ORCA: /home/$USER/orca_5_0_1_linux_x86-64_openmpi411
ORCA version: 5.0.1
GFN-xTB: /home/$USER/bin/xtb
CREST: /home/$USER/bin/crest
mpshift: /home/$USER/TURBOMOLE.7.5/bin/em64t-unknown-linux-gnu/mpshift
escf: /home/$USER/TURBOMOLE.7.5/bin/em64t-unknown-linux-gnu/escf

ctd = BP_TZVP_C30_1601.ctd cdir = "/home/$USER/COSMOthermX16/COSMOtherm/CTDATA-FILES" ldir = "/home/$USER/COSMOthermX16/COSMOtherm/CTDATA-FILES"

nconf: all                       # ['all', 'number e.g. 10 up to all conformers']
charge: 0                        # ['number e.g. 0']
unpaired: 0                      # ['number e.g. 0']
solvent: gas                     # ['gas', 'acetone', 'acetonitrile', 'aniline', 'benzaldehyde', 'benzene', 'ccl4', '...']
prog_rrho: xtb                   # ['xtb']
temperature: 298.15              # ['temperature in K e.g. 298.15']
trange: [273.15, 378.15, 5]      # ['temperature range [start, end, step]']
multitemp: on                    # ['on', 'off']
evaluate_rrho: on                # ['on', 'off']
consider_sym: on                 # ['on', 'off']
bhess: on                        # ['on', 'off']
imagthr: automatic               # ['automatic or e.g., -100    # in cm-1']
sthr: automatic                  # ['automatic or e.g., 50     # in cm-1']
scale: automatic                 # ['automatic or e.g., 1.0 ']
rmsdbias: off                    # ['on', 'off']
sm_rrho: alpb                    # ['alpb', 'gbsa']
progress: off                    # possibilities
check: on                        # ['on', 'off']
prog: tm                         # ['tm', 'orca']
func: r2scan-3c                  # ['b3-lyp', 'b3lyp', 'b3lyp-3c', 'b3lyp-d3', 'b3lyp-d3(0)', 'b3lyp-d4', 'b3lyp-nl', '...']
basis: automatic                 # ['automatic', 'def2-TZVP', 'def2-mSVP', 'def2-mSVP', 'def2-mSVP', 'def2-mSVP', '...']
maxthreads: 7                    # ['number of threads e.g. 2']
omp: 4                           # ['number cores per thread e.g. 4']
balance: off                     # possibilities
cosmorsparam: automatic          # ['automatic', '12-fine', '12-normal', '13-fine', '13-normal', '14-fine', '...']

part0: on                        # ['on', 'off']
func0: b97-d                     # ['b3-lyp', 'b3lyp', 'b3lyp-3c', 'b3lyp-d3', 'b3lyp-d3(0)', 'b3lyp-d4', '...']
basis0: def2-SV(P)               # ['automatic', 'def2-SV(P)', 'def2-TZVP', 'def2-mSVP', 'def2-mSVP', 'def2-mSVP', '...']
part0_gfnv: gfn2                 # ['gfn1', 'gfn2', 'gfnff']
part0_threshold: 4.0             # ['number e.g. 4.0']

# func and basis is set under GENERAL SETTINGS
part1: on                        # ['on', 'off']
smgsolv1: cosmors                # ['alpb_gsolv', 'cosmo', 'cosmors', 'cosmors-fine', 'cpcm', 'dcosmors', '...']
part1_gfnv: gfn2                 # ['gfn1', 'gfn2', 'gfnff']
part1_threshold: 3.5             # ['number e.g. 5.0']

# func and basis is set under GENERAL SETTINGS
part2: on                        # ['on', 'off']
opt_limit: 2.5                   # ['number e.g. 4.0']
sm2: default                     # ['cosmo', 'cpcm', 'dcosmors', 'default', 'smd']
smgsolv2: cosmors                # ['alpb_gsolv', 'cosmo', 'cosmors', 'cosmors-fine', 'cpcm', 'dcosmors', '...']
part2_gfnv: gfn2                 # ['gfn1', 'gfn2', 'gfnff']
ancopt: on                       # ['on']
hlow: 0.01                       # ['lowest force constant in ANC generation, e.g. 0.01']
opt_spearman: on                 # ['on', 'off']
part2_threshold: 99              # ['Boltzmann sum threshold in %. e.g. 95 (between 1 and 100)']
optlevel2: automatic             # ['crude', 'sloppy', 'loose', 'lax', 'normal', 'tight', 'vtight', 'extreme', '...']
optcycles: 8                     # ['number e.g. 5 or 10']
spearmanthr: -4.0                # ['value between -1 and 1, if outside set automatically']
radsize: 10                      # ['number e.g. 8 or 10']
crestcheck: off                  # ['on', 'off']

part3: off                       # ['on', 'off']
prog3: prog                      # ['tm', 'orca', 'prog']
func3: pw6b95                    # ['b3-lyp', 'b3lyp', 'b3lyp-3c', 'b3lyp-d3', 'b3lyp-d3(0)', 'b3lyp-d4', 'b3lyp-nl', '...']
basis3: def2-TZVPD               # ['DZ', 'QZV', 'QZVP', 'QZVPP', 'SV(P)', 'SVP', 'TZVP', 'TZVPP', 'aug-cc-pV5Z', '...']
smgsolv3: cosmors                # ['alpb_gsolv', 'cosmo', 'cosmors', 'cosmors-fine', 'cpcm', 'dcosmors', '...']
part3_gfnv: gfn2                 # ['gfn1', 'gfn2', 'gfnff']
part3_threshold: 99              # ['Boltzmann sum threshold in %. e.g. 95 (between 1 and 100)']

part4: off                       # ['on', 'off']
couplings: on                    # ['on', 'off']
progJ: prog                      # ['tm', 'orca', 'adf', 'prog']
funcJ: PBE0                      # ['b3-lyp', 'b3lyp', 'b3lyp-3c', 'b3lyp-d3', 'b3lyp-d3(0)', 'b3lyp-d4', 'b3lyp-nl', '...']
basisJ: def2-TZVP                # ['DZ', 'QZV', 'QZVP', 'QZVPP', 'SV(P)', 'SVP', 'TZVP', 'TZVPP', 'aug-cc-pV5Z', '...']
sm4J: default                    # ['cosmo', 'cpcm', 'dcosmors', 'smd']
shieldings: on                   # ['on', 'off']
progS: prog                      # ['tm', 'orca', 'adf', 'prog']
funcS: PBE0                      # ['b3-lyp', 'b3lyp', 'b3lyp-3c', 'b3lyp-d3', 'b3lyp-d3(0)', 'b3lyp-d4', 'b3lyp-nl', '...']
basisS: def2-TZVP                # ['DZ', 'QZV', 'QZVP', 'QZVPP', 'SV(P)', 'SVP', 'TZVP', 'TZVPP', 'aug-cc-pV5Z', '...']
sm4S: default                    # ['cosmo', 'cpcm', 'dcosmors', 'smd']
reference_1H: TMS                # ['TMS']
reference_13C: TMS               # ['TMS']
reference_19F: CFCl3             # ['CFCl3']
reference_29Si: TMS              # ['TMS']
reference_31P: TMP               # ['TMP', 'PH3']
1H_active: on                    # ['on', 'off']
13C_active: on                   # ['on', 'off']
19F_active: off                  # ['on', 'off']
29Si_active: off                 # ['on', 'off']
31P_active: off                  # ['on', 'off']
resonance_frequency: 300.0       # ['MHz number of your experimental spectrometer setup']

optical_rotation: off            # ['on', 'off']
funcOR: pbe                      # ['functional for opt_rot e.g. pbe']
funcOR_SCF: r2scan-3c            # ['functional for SCF in opt_rot e.g. r2scan-3c']
basisOR: def2-SVPD               # ['basis set for opt_rot e.g. def2-SVPD']
frequency_optical_rot: [589.0]   # ['list of freq in nm to evaluate opt rot at e.g. [589, 700]']
        |                                                              |
        |                                                              |
        |                   CENSO - Commandline ENSO                   |
        |                           v 1.1.2                            |
        |    energetic sorting of CREST Conformer Rotamer Ensembles    |
        |                    University of Bonn, MCTC                  |
        |                           Feb 2021                           |
        |                 based on ENSO version 2.0.1                  |
        |                     F. Bohle and S. Grimme                   |
        |                                                              |

        Please cite:
        S. Grimme, F. Bohle, A. Hansen, P. Pracht, S. Spicher, and M. Stahn
        J. Phys. Chem. A 2021, 125, 19, 4039-4054.
        DOI: https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpca.1c00971

        This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
        but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


program call: censo --input crest_conformers.xyz -func0 b97-d3 -solvent chcl3 -smgsolv1 smd -sm2 smd --smgsolv2 smd --prog orca -part4 on -prog4J orca -prog4S orca -funcJ pbe0 -funcS pbe0 -basisJ def2-TZVP -basisS def2-TZVP
The configuration file .censorc is read from /home/$USER/.censorc.
Reading conformer rotamer ensemble from: /tmp1/$USER/3881229.majestix.thch.uni-bonn.de/crest_conformers.xyz.
Reading file: censo_solvents.json

                CRE SORTING SETTINGS

number of atoms in system:                                     17
number of considered conformers:                               2
number of all conformers from input:                           2
charge:                                                        0
unpaired:                                                      0
solvent:                                                       chcl3
temperature:                                                   298.15
evaluate at different temperatures:                            on
temperature range:                                             273.15, 278.15, 283.15, 288.15, ...
calculate mRRHO contribution:                                  on
consider symmetry for mRRHO contribution:                      on
cautious checking for error and failed calculations:           on
checking the DFT-ensemble using CREST:                         off
maxthreads:                                                    7
omp:                                                           4
automatically balance maxthreads and omp:                      off

part0:                                                         on
starting number of considered conformers:                      2
program for part0:                                             orca
functional for fast single-point:                              b97-d3
basis set for fast single-point:                               def2-SV(P)
threshold g_thr(0) for sorting in part0:                       4.0
Solvent model used with xTB:                                   alpb

b97-d3/def2-SV(P) // GFNn-xTB (Input geometry)

                CRE PRESCREENING - PART1
part1:                                                         on
program for part1:                                             orca
functional for initial evaluation:                             r2scan-3c
basis set for initial evaluation:                              def2-mTZVPP
calculate mRRHO contribution:                                  on
program for mRRHO contribution:                                xtb
GFN version for mRRHO and/or GBSA_Gsolv:                       gfn2
Apply constraint to input geometry during mRRHO calculation:   on
solvent model applied with xTB:                                alpb
evaluate at different temperatures:                            off
threshold g_thr(1) and G_thr(1) for sorting in part1:          3.5
solvent model for Gsolv contribution of part1:                 smd

r2scan-3c + SMD[chcl3] + GmRRHO(GFN2[alpb]-bhess) // GFNn-xTB (Input geometry)

                CRE OPTIMIZATION - PART2
part2:                                                         on
program:                                                       orca
functional for part2:                                          r2scan-3c
basis set for part2:                                           def2-mTZVPP
using xTB-optimizer for optimization:                          on
using the new ensemble optimizer:                              on
optimize all conformers below this G_thr(opt,2) threshold:     2.5
spearmanthr:                                                   0.941
optimization level in part2:                                   lax
solvent model applied in the optimization:                     smd
solvent model for Gsolv contribution:                          smd
evaluate at different temperatures:                            on
Boltzmann sum threshold G_thr(2) for sorting in part2:         99.0
calculate mRRHO contribution:                                  on
program for mRRHO contribution:                                xtb
GFN version for mRRHO and/or GBSA_Gsolv:                       gfn2
Apply constraint to input geometry during mRRHO calculation:   on
solvent model applied with xTB:                                alpb

r2scan-3c + SMD[chcl3] + GmRRHO(GFN2[alpb]-bhess) // r2scan-3c[SMD]

                    NMR MODE SETTINGS
part4:                                                         on
calculate couplings (J):                                       on
program for coupling calculations:                             orca
solvation model for coupling calculations:                     smd
functional for coupling calculation:                           PBE0
basis set for coupling calculation:                            def2-TZVP

calculate shieldings (S):                                      on
program for shielding calculations:                            orca
solvation model for shielding calculations:                    smd
functional for shielding calculation:                          PBE0
basis set for shielding calculation:                           def2-TZVP

Calculating proton spectrum:                                   on
reference for 1H:                                              TMS
resonance frequency:                                           300.0
END of parameters

                PATHS of external QM programs

The following program paths are used:
    ORCA:         /tmp1/orca_5_0_1_linux_x86-64_openmpi411
    ORCA Version: 5.01
    xTB:          /home/abt-grimme/AK-bin/xtb
    TURBOMOLE:    /home/abt-grimme/TURBOMOLE.7.5//bin/em64t-unknown-linux-gnu_smp

    Using cefine from /tmp/_MEIaCcz3S/cefine
    PARNODES for TM or COSMO-RS calculation was set to 4

                            Processing data from previous run (enso.json)

INFORMATION: No restart information exists and is created during this run!

                                    CRE CHEAP-PRESCREENING - PART0

program:                                                       orca
functional for part0:                                          b97-d3
basis set for part0:                                           def2-SV(P)
threshold g_thr(0):                                            4.0
starting number of considered conformers:                      2
temperature:                                                   298.15

Calculating efficient gas-phase single-point energies:
The efficient gas-phase single-point is calculated for:

Constructed folders!

Starting 2 ALPB-Gsolv calculations
Running single-point in CONF1/part0_sp
Running single-point in CONF2/part0_sp
Running ALPB_GSOLV calculation in 3881229.majestix.thch.uni-bonn.de/CONF2/part0_sp
Running ALPB_GSOLV calculation in 3881229.majestix.thch.uni-bonn.de/CONF1/part0_sp
Tasks completed!

The efficient gas-phase single-point was successful for CONF1/part0_sp: E(DFT) = -448.78335711 Gsolv = -0.00964593
The efficient gas-phase single-point was successful for CONF2/part0_sp: E(DFT) = -448.78106942 Gsolv = -0.00949351

                    Removing high lying conformers by improved energy description

CONF#       E [Eh] ΔE [kcal/mol]            E [Eh]   Gsolv [Eh]         gtot    ΔE(DFT)     ΔGsolv      Δgtot
            GFN2-xTB      GFN2-xTB b97-d3/def2-SV(P)         alpb         [Eh] [kcal/mol] [kcal/mol] [kcal/mol]
            [alpb]        [alpb]                         [gfn2]
CONF1  -16.3966231          0.00      -448.7833571   -0.0096459 -448.7930030       0.00       0.00       0.00     <------
CONF2  -16.3954819          0.72      -448.7810694   -0.0094935 -448.7905629       1.44       0.10       1.53

Number of conformers observed within the following Δg windows:
Δg [kcal/mol]  #CONF   sum(Boltzmann_weights)
    0 - 0.5        1          0.93
    0 - 1.0        1          0.93
    0 - 1.5        1          0.93
    0 - 2.0        2          1.00

All relative (free) energies are below the initial g_thr(0) threshold of 4.0 kcal/mol.
All conformers are considered further.

Calculating Boltzmann averaged (free) energy of ensemble on input geometries (not DFT optimized)!

temperature /K:   avE(T) /a.u.   avG(T) /a.u.
    298.15        -448.7831966    -448.7928319     <<==part0==

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>END of Part0<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Ran part0 in 4.4449 seconds

                                        CRE PRESCREENING - PART1

program:                                                       orca
functional for part1 and 2:                                    r2scan-3c
basis set for part1 and 2:                                     def2-mTZVPP
Solvent:                                                       chcl3
solvent model for Gsolv contribution:                          smd
threshold g_thr(1) and G_thr(1):                               3.5
starting number of considered conformers:                      2
calculate mRRHO contribution:                                  on
program for mRRHO contribution:                                xtb
GFN version for mRRHO and/or GBSA_Gsolv:                       gfn2
Apply constraint to input geometry during mRRHO calculation:   on
temperature:                                                   298.15

Calculating single-point energies and solvation contribution (G_solv):
The prescreening_single-point is calculated for:

Constructed folders!
Running single-point in CONF1/r2scan-3c
Running single-point in CONF2/r2scan-3c
Tasks completed!

prescreening_single-point calculation was successful for CONF1/r2scan-3c: -449.11349203
prescreening_single-point calculation was successful for CONF2/r2scan-3c: -449.11143980

            Removing high lying conformers

CONF#  E(GFNn-xTB) ΔE(GFNn-xTB)       E [Eh]   Gsolv [Eh]         gtot      Δgtot
            [a.u.]   [kcal/mol]    r2scan-3c   incl. in E         [Eh] [kcal/mol]
CONF1  -16.3952414         0.00 -449.1134920    0.0000000 -449.1134920       0.00     <------
CONF2  -16.3940994         0.72 -449.1114398    0.0000000 -449.1114398       1.29

All relative (free) energies are below the g_thr(1) threshold of 3.5 kcal/mol.
All conformers are considered further.

Calculating prescreening G_mRRHO with implicit solvation!
The prescreening G_mRRHO calculation is now performed for:

Constructed folders!

Starting 2 G_RRHO calculations.
Running GFN2-xTB mRRHO in CONF1/rrho_part1
Running GFN2-xTB mRRHO in CONF2/rrho_part1
WARNING:     found 1 significant imaginary frequencies in CONF2/rrho_part1
Tasks completed!

The prescreening G_mRRHO run @ td was successful for CONF1/rrho_part1: 0.11573915 S_rot(sym)= 0.0023462 using= 0.1157391
The prescreening G_mRRHO run @ c3v was successful for CONF2/rrho_part1: 0.11540064 S_rot(sym)= 0.0010373 using= 0.1154006

            * Gibbs free energies of part1 *

CONF#  G(GFNn-xTB) ΔG(GFNn-xTB)       E [Eh]   Gsolv [Eh]  GmRRHO [Eh]         Gtot      ΔGtot
            [a.u.]   [kcal/mol]    r2scan-3c   incl. in E         GFN2         [Eh] [kcal/mol]
                                        [SMD]              [alpb]-bhess
CONF1  -16.2795022         0.00 -449.1134920    0.0000000    0.1157391 -448.9977529       0.00     <------
CONF2  -16.2786988         0.50 -449.1114398    0.0000000    0.1154006 -448.9960392       1.08

Number of conformers observed within the following ΔG windows:
ΔG [kcal/mol]  #CONF   sum(Boltzmann_weights)
    0 - 0.5        1          0.86
    0 - 1.0        1          0.86
    0 - 1.5        2          1.00

Additional global 'fuzzy-threshold' based on the standard deviation of (G_mRRHO):
Std_dev(G_mRRHO) = 0.150 kcal/mol
Fuzzythreshold   = 0.107 kcal/mol
Final sorting threshold G_thr(1) = 3.500 + 0.107 = 3.607 kcal/mol
Spearman correlation coefficient between (E + Solv) and (E + Solv + mRRHO) = 1.000

All relative (free) energies are below the initial G_thr(1) threshold of 3.5 kcal/mol.
All conformers are considered further.

Calculating Boltzmann averaged free energy of ensemble on input geometries (not DFT optimized)!

temperature /K:   avE(T) /a.u. avGmRRHO(T) /a.u. avGsolv(T) /a.u.   avG(T) /a.u.
    298.15        -449.1132047        0.1156917        0.0000000   -448.9975129      <<==part1==

Calculating unbiased GFNn-xTB energy
Constructed folders!

Starting 2 xTB - single-point calculations.
gfn2-xTB energy for CONF1/GFN_unbiased = -16.3966231
gfn2-xTB energy for CONF2/GFN_unbiased = -16.3954819
Tasks completed!

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>END of Part1<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Ran part1 in 9.1081 seconds

                                        CRE OPTIMIZATION - PART2

program:                                                       orca
functional for part2:                                          r2scan-3c
basis set for part2:                                           def2-mTZVPP
using the xTB-optimizer for optimization:                      on
using the new ensemble optimizer:                              on
optimize all conformers below this G_thr(opt,2) threshold:     2.5
Spearman threshold:                                            0.941
number of optimization iterations:                             8
radsize:                                                       10
optimization level in part2:                                   lax
solvent:                                                       chcl3
solvent model applied in the optimization:                     smd
solvent model for Gsolv contribution:                          smd
temperature:                                                   298.15
evalulate at different temperatures:                           on
temperature range:                                             273.15, 278.15, 283.15, 288.15, ...
Boltzmann sum threshold G_thr(2) for sorting in part2:         99.0
calculate mRRHO contribution:                                  on
program for mRRHO contribution:                                xtb
GFN version for mRRHO and/or GBSA_Gsolv:                       gfn2
Apply constraint to input geometry during mRRHO calculation:   on

Optimizing geometries at DFT level with implicit solvation!
The optimization is calculated for:

Constructed folders!

Preparing 2 calculations.
Tasks completed!

************************Starting optimizations************************

Starting threshold is set to 2.5 + 60.0 % = 4.0 kcal/mol

Lower limit is set to G_thr(opt,2) = 2.5 kcal/mol

*******************************CYCLE 1********************************

Starting 2 optimizations.
Running optimization in CONF1/r2scan-3c
Running optimization in CONF2/r2scan-3c
Tasks completed!

Geometry optimization converged for: CONF1 within   3 cycles
Geometry optimization converged for: CONF2 within   3 cycles
Constructed folders!

Starting 2 G_RRHO calculations.
Running GFN2-xTB mRRHO in r2scan-3c/rrho_crude
Running GFN2-xTB mRRHO in r2scan-3c/rrho_crude
Tasks completed!

The G_mRRHO calculation on crudely optimized DFT geometry @ td was successful for CONF1/r2scan-3c/rrho_crude: 0.1157450 S_rot(sym)= 0.0023462 using= 0.1157450
The G_mRRHO calculation on crudely optimized DFT geometry @ c3v was successful for CONF2/r2scan-3c/rrho_crude: 0.1146578 S_rot(sym)= 0.0010373 using= 0.1146578
***********************Finished optimizations!************************
Cycle:  [s]  #nconfs  Spearman coeff.
    1   34.85     2
sum:   34.85

CONVERGED optimizations for the following remaining conformers:
Converged optimization for CONF1 after   3 cycles: -449.1155065
Converged optimization for CONF2 after   3 cycles: -449.1133322

Calculating single-point energies and solvation contribution (G_solv)!

Running single-point in CONF1/r2scan-3c
Running single-point in CONF2/r2scan-3c
Tasks completed!

lowlevel single-point calculation was successful for CONF1/r2scan-3c: -449.11550627
lowlevel single-point calculation was successful for CONF2/r2scan-3c: -449.11333157

Calculating lowlevel G_mRRHO with implicit solvation on DFT geometry!
The lowlevel G_mRRHO calculation is now performed for:

Constructed folders!

Starting 2 G_RRHO calculations.
Running GFN2-xTB mRRHO in CONF1/rrho_part2
Running GFN2-xTB mRRHO in CONF2/rrho_part2
Tasks completed!

The lowlevel G_mRRHO calculation @ td was successful for CONF1/rrho_part2: 0.11574502 S_rot(sym)= 0.0023462 using= 0.1157450
The lowlevel G_mRRHO calculation @ c3v was successful for CONF2/rrho_part2: 0.11465779 S_rot(sym)= 0.0010373 using= 0.1146578

            * Gibbs free energies of part2 *

CONF#  E(GFNn-xTB) ΔE(GFNn-xTB)       E [Eh]   Gsolv [Eh]  GmRRHO [Eh]         Gtot      ΔGtot Boltzmannweight
            [a.u.]   [kcal/mol]    r2scan-3c   incl. in E         GFN2         [Eh] [kcal/mol]   % at 298.15 K
                                        [SMD]              [alpb]-bhess
CONF1  -16.3952414         0.00 -449.1155063    0.0000000    0.1157450 -448.9997612       0.00           75.98     <------
CONF2  -16.3940994         0.72 -449.1133316    0.0000000    0.1146578 -448.9986738       0.68           24.02

Number of conformers observed within the following ΔG windows:
ΔG [kcal/mol]  #CONF   sum(Boltzmann_weights)
    0 - 0.5        1          0.76
    0 - 1.0        2          1.00

Calculating Boltzmann averaged free energy of ensemble!

temperature /K:   avE(T) /a.u. avGmRRHO(T) /a.u. avGsolv(T) /a.u.   avG(T) /a.u.
    273.15        -449.1150651        0.1190010        0.0000000   -448.9960641
    278.15        -449.1150486        0.1183075        0.0000000   -448.9967412
    283.15        -449.1150323        0.1176087        0.0000000   -448.9974236
    288.15        -449.1150158        0.1169054        0.0000000   -448.9981104
    293.15        -449.1149998        0.1161973        0.0000000   -448.9988025
    298.15        -449.1149840        0.1154839        0.0000000   -448.9995001      <<==part2==
    303.15        -449.1149681        0.1147661        0.0000000   -449.0002020
    308.15        -449.1149528        0.1140434        0.0000000   -449.0009094
    313.15        -449.1149376        0.1133166        0.0000000   -449.0016210
    318.15        -449.1149227        0.1125847        0.0000000   -449.0023381
    323.15        -449.1149077        0.1118481        0.0000000   -449.0030596
    328.15        -449.1148932        0.1111069        0.0000000   -449.0037863
    333.15        -449.1148790        0.1103615        0.0000000   -449.0045175
    338.15        -449.1148646        0.1096115        0.0000000   -449.0052531
    343.15        -449.1148509        0.1088570        0.0000000   -449.0059939
    348.15        -449.1148374        0.1080973        0.0000000   -449.0067401
    353.15        -449.1148237        0.1073340        0.0000000   -449.0074897
    358.15        -449.1148107        0.1065661        0.0000000   -449.0082446
    363.15        -449.1147975        0.1057936        0.0000000   -449.0090039
    368.15        -449.1147853        0.1050171        0.0000000   -449.0097682
    373.15        -449.1147730        0.1042360        0.0000000   -449.0105370

            Conformers considered further

Conformers that are below the Boltzmann threshold G_thr(2) of 99.0%:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>END of Part2<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Ran part2 in 39.8941 seconds

                                            NMR MODE - PART4

calculate coupling constants:                                  on
prog4J - program for coupling constant calculation:            orca
funcJ  - functional for coupling constant calculation:         PBE0
basisJ - basis for coupling constant calculation:              def2-TZVP
sm4J - solvent model for the coupling calculation:             smd

calculate shielding constants σ:                               on
prog4S - program for shielding constant calculation:           orca
funcS - functional for shielding constant calculation:         PBE0
basisS - basis for shielding constant calculation:             def2-TZVP
sm4S - solvent model for the shielding calculation:            smd

Calculating proton spectrum:                                   on
reference for 1H:                                              TMS
spectrometer frequency:                                        300.0

Considering the following 2 conformers:

        * Gibbs free energies used in part4 *

CONF#       E [Eh]   Gsolv [Eh]  GmRRHO [Eh]         Gtot      ΔGtot Boltzmannweight
            r2scan-3c   incl. in E         GFN2         [Eh] [kcal/mol]   % at 298.15 K
                [SMD]              [alpb]-bhess
CONF1 -449.1155063    0.0000000    0.1157450 -448.9997612       0.00           75.98     <------
CONF2 -449.1133316    0.0000000    0.1146578 -448.9986738       0.68           24.02

Conformers that are below the Boltzmann-thr of 99.0:

Constructed folders!

Performing coupling constant calculations:

Starting 2 coupling constants calculations
Running coupling calculation in CONF1/NMR
Running coupling calculation in CONF2/NMR
Tasks completed!

Coupling constant calculation was successful for CONF1/NMR
Coupling constant calculation was successful for CONF2/NMR

Performing shielding constant calculations:

Starting 2 shielding constants calculations
Running shielding calculation in CONF1/NMR
Running shielding calculation in CONF2/NMR
Tasks completed!

Shielding constant calculation was successful for CONF1/NMR
Shielding constant calculation was successful for CONF2/NMR

Generating file anmr_enso for processing with the ANMR program.

Writing .anmrrc!
ERROR:       The reference absolute shielding constant for element h could not be found!
                You have to edit the file .anmrrc by hand!
INFORMATION: The KeyError is: 'r2scan-3c'

Generating plain nmrprop.dat files for each populated conformer.
These files contain all calculated shielding and coupling constants.
The files can be read by ANMR using the keyword '-plain'.

Tasks completed!

Averaged shielding constants:
# in coord  element  σ(sigma)  SD(σ based on SD Gsolv)  SD(σ by 0.4 kcal/mol)       shift        σ_ref
    2             h       31.59          0.000000                 0.002263          -31.59         0.000
    3             h       31.59          0.000000                 0.002263          -31.59         0.000
    4             h       31.59          0.000000                 0.002263          -31.59         0.000
    7             h       31.59          0.000000                 0.002263          -31.59         0.000
    8             h       31.59          0.000000                 0.002263          -31.59         0.000
    9             h       31.59          0.000000                 0.002263          -31.59         0.000
    11            h       31.59          0.000000                 0.002263          -31.59         0.000
    12            h       31.59          0.000000                 0.002263          -31.59         0.000
    13            h       31.59          0.000000                 0.002263          -31.59         0.000
    15            h       31.59          0.000000                 0.002263          -31.59         0.000
    16            h       31.59          0.000000                 0.002263          -31.59         0.000
    17            h       31.59          0.000000                 0.002263          -31.59         0.000

# in coord  element  σ(sigma)  min(σ)* CONFX   max(σ)* CONFX  Δ(max-min)
    2             h       31.59    31.58 CONF2     31.60 CONF1      0.01
    3             h       31.59    31.58 CONF2     31.60 CONF1      0.01
    4             h       31.59    31.58 CONF2     31.60 CONF1      0.01
    7             h       31.59    31.58 CONF2     31.60 CONF1      0.01
    8             h       31.59    31.58 CONF2     31.60 CONF1      0.01
    9             h       31.59    31.58 CONF2     31.60 CONF1      0.01
    11            h       31.59    31.58 CONF2     31.60 CONF1      0.01
    12            h       31.59    31.58 CONF2     31.60 CONF1      0.01
    13            h       31.59    31.58 CONF2     31.60 CONF1      0.01
    15            h       31.59    31.58 CONF2     31.60 CONF1      0.01
    16            h       31.59    31.58 CONF2     31.60 CONF1      0.01
    17            h       31.59    31.58 CONF2     31.60 CONF1      0.01
* min(σ) and max(σ) are averaged over the chemical equivalent atoms, but not Boltzmann weighted.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>END of Part4<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Ran part4 in 66.5507 seconds

Part                : #conf       time      time (including restarts)
Input               :     2        -            -
Part0_all           :     2       4.44 s     4.44 s
Part1_initial_sort  :     2       8.03 s     8.03 s
Part1_all           :     2       9.11 s     9.11 s
Part2_opt           :     2      34.85 s    34.85 s
Part2_all           :     2      39.89 s    39.89 s
Part4               :     2      66.55 s    66.55 s
All parts           :     -     120.00 s   120.00 s

CENSO all done!

The calculated shift has now to be inserted into the .anmrrc file of the NMR-calculation for the respective molecule:

$ cat .anmrrc

7 8 XH acid atoms
ENSO qm= ORCA mf= 300.0 lw= 1.0  J= on S= on T= 298.15
TMS[chcl3] PBE0[SMD]/def2-TZVP//r2scan-3c[SMD]/def2-mTZVPP
1  31.59    0.0     1